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Listing Highlight: 108 Patricia Lee Ct.

I recently had a startling epiphany! In all the years I’ve been blogging, I’ve never written about properties and homes currently on the LCT roster. This seems like quite the oversight, especially because I’ve been privileged to help ...

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Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

I’ve spent more than twenty years helping people buy and sell houses. More importantly – so much more importantly – I hope I’ve helped them find homes. Maybe not their dream homes, maybe not their forever homes, but homes where they can...

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Selling in the Autumn Months

Thanks for helping me get my blogging mojo back by sending great questions. Though technically not a reader question, today’s topic is something I’ve been asked roughly one million and three times, so, let’s call it a global reader qu...

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All About Home Pre-Inspections

Summer vacation is winding down here in Middle Tennessee, but the hot spring/summer buying and selling season remains in full swing! Speaking of selling… my lovely reader, Cari asked me a great question recently. “Lisa… my husband and...

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To Pool, Or Not To Pool

You asked, I’ll answer! Thanks to Melissa for sending me this question and helping me break through my writer’s block! Melissa wrote: “Hey, Lisa! Recently, our local paper ran an article about how new homebuyers are gaga for homes ...

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You Ask, I Answer!

I think I have summer brain. Or writer’s block. Or some combination of the two. I spent the better part of yesterday wracking my brain for a new blog topic. I even succumbed to the all-knowing, all-seeing power of Google. Did you know tha...

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Summer Home Maintenance

Happy summer, friends! Though school’s been out in Middle Tennessee for almost a month and the temperatures have been soaring, yesterday was the first official day of summer. Now that the days are getting longer, let’s take advantage of...

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Nashville Is AWESOME!

I want to give all of Middle Tennessee a great big hug today because it feels like everyone who lives here is in mourning that our tough-as-nails Predators didn’t bring home the Stanley Cup last night. I’m not going to jump on the “le...

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Leigh’s-Blog-Takeover – Week-Four

Leigh’s Blog Takeover – Week Four

The MLS listing reads PENDING, the FOR SALE sign says SOLD. You did it. You sold your home and you’re over the hump. Right? Right??? For the most part, I’d say yes. The hardest part is over. I’m staunchly in the AFTER phase of our hom...

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Leigh’s-Blog-Takeover – Week-Three

Leigh’s Blog Takeover – Week Three

T-minus twelve days till the moving van arrives. I’ve been packing and humming the theme song to “The Jeffersons” and yes, I do know that statement dates me. While I’m not “moving on up” to a deluxe apartment in the sky, I am mo...

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