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Franklin’s Making News Again

Ya’ll… Franklin, Tennessee is making news again! I almost decided NOT to write another post about how amazing our little (not so little) town is. I worry about sounding like an overly proud parent touting yet ANOTHER accomplishment of the...

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The Seller’s Market

Recently, our local paper, The Tennessean ran an article about how a “seller’s market” is impacting the real estate market in Williamson and Davidson County. The headline screamed “Tight Market Has Home Sellers Wary of Becoming Buyers....

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Neighborhood Spotlight – Hideaway At Arrington

A Realtor© wears many hats. At times I’m a general contractor, a cleaning lady, a taxi driver, a carpet cleaner, a home stager and a tour guide. When friends come to Middle Tennessee to visit, they often ask for recommendations on where th...

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Neighborhood Spotlight – Berry Farms

I’m a little bit in love with the new Berry Farms community in south Franklin… okay, actually – I’m A LOT in love. This sweet development truly has something for everyone! It’s mixed-use master planned community where work, play and...

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Neighborhood Spotlight – Hillsboro Cove

If you’ve ever read my blog – heck, even if you’ve skimmed it – I hope one thing is evident… I love my job with a passion! I love how every day is different. I love the people I meet, the people I help and the people who help me! I...

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New Year’s Resolutions – Part 3

Is it just me or was January 2016 the fastest month ever? All of the sudden, it’s February and we’re experiencing Tennessee’s typically wacky winter weather. Six inches of snow last week… Seventy plus degrees this week. I love this s...

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New Year’s Resolutions – Part 2

Okay, we’ve reached the midpoint for January. How are you doing with those resolutions? Still on track with healthy eating and exercise? More importantly, how’s your HOME doing with its resolutions? Did you embrace my advice for helping...

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New Year’s Resolutions – Part 1

It’s January 6th. How many of you are still holding strong with those New Year’s resolutions you made one week ago? No shame here… making resolutions is easy. It’s the keeping them part that is so tricky. Especially at this time of ...

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Selling Your Home During The Holidays

T’is the season! The season of daily UPS deliveries, multiple trips to the grocery store, of wrapping and packing and delivering. It’s the season of internet shopping, chaos at the mall and grinchy sales associates working double shifts. ...

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