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Williamson County – Franklin

Here’s my mantra for this post: think blog, not filibuster I’m repeating this as I type because I could write forever about why Franklin, Tennessee is such a fantastic place to buy a home and make a life Also, I should offer the disclaimer ...

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Williamson County – Intro

It’s no secret that I think Middle Tennessee is the very best place in the world to make your home. Summer is glorious with lush lawns and gardens buzzing with gorgeous blooms. Fall is pretty perfect with brightly colored trees and crisp nigh...

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Home Selling To-Don’ts – Part 2

I can’t tell you how often my clients tell me that they’ve really wanted to sell their home for YEARS, but were daunted by the seemingly endless list of “to-do’s” to get their home market ready. And, I’m not going to lie… there ar...

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Spring DON’Ts – Intro

Spring has sprung and that means one thing… the FOR SALE signs will soon start sprouting in yards all over the country. Even the novice home seller knows that spring is the IT season for selling homes. Buyers are emerging from their winter...

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Packing Up The Rest Of Your Home

There was a method to my madness. And by “madness,” I mean the fact that I suggested you pack the two toughest rooms of your home first: the kitchen and the master suite. Yes, I know it was daunting and labor intensive and time consuming ...

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Packing Up Your Bedroom

Moving. MOVING. That single word can strike fear into the hearts of the most intrepid homeowners. Even those who know the joy that a new home with special touches can bring still dread the actual act of packing every single thing they own and t...

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Packing Up Your Kitchen

You sold your house! YAY! And, bought your dream home!Double and triple YAY!And now it’s time to start packing… YA…eah, no.Not that exciting, right?In fact, many of my clients face their big moves as if they’re headed to the gallows.I...

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Boxing Daze

Yesterday, our friends across the pond celebrated Boxing Day. It’s a public holiday celebrated the day after Christmas where servants, tradesmen and public workers traditionally received a box of treats or gifts from their employers. Here in ...

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Christmas Lights In Middle Tennessee

It’s no secret that I think Middle Tennessee is – hands down — the best place to live. It’s Norman Rockwell meets Rock Star Diaries and there is always – ALWAYS – something to do in our beautiful towns. This is never truer than at C...

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