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The HGTV Effect – Part 1

Recently, our local paper, The Tennessean, ran an article that talked about the “HGTV effect” and how it is influencing home buyers, builders and realtors.  It suggested that all those design shows on HGTV and hours of scouring Pinterest a...

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Grown Up Summer Fun – Part 2

Picture this:  after months of decision making (Should we sell? Should we wait? Yes, sell!), Realtor interviewing, home improvements, signing documents, cleaning for open houses and showings, you’ve finally exhaled.  You sold your home – ...

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Summer Fun With Kids – Part 2

Hey, you!  Yes!  You…the lovely, attentive and blog-reading client who listened to my “shout it from the rooftops” mantra that spring and early summer are ideal times to list a house for sale and then entrusted me to sell your home.  M...

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Grown Up Summer Fun

After reading my “fun with the kiddos” post last week, a friend suggested they’d like some ideas for fun WITHOUT the kids.  I still have several “family friendly” ideas in the works, but ever since I started thinking about grown-up p...

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Summer Fun With Kids – Part 1

School’s out, school’s out, teachers let the monkeys out!  I know that little ditty strikes fear in the hearts of some of my friends and is a soothing panacea to others.  But, whether you relish the lazy days of summer or count them down ...

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Warm Weather Maintenance

It was bound to happen… after weeks and weeks of writing about our seemingly never-ending winter, we’ve been thrust into summer-like temperatures (and even some heavy-duty humidity!) this week.  Such is the life of the happy southern home-...

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Storm Season Prep

As I was typing this yesterday, the animals were walking two by two down my street.  It had been raining (POURING!) for the greater part of the day and we were experiencing high winds with the possibility of overnight hail and tornadoes.  Aaa...

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Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, friends!  Let’s celebrate by ridding our earth – okay, our homes – of some junk!  For me, a good organizational purge feels like a soul-soothing, brain balancing, spiritual cleanse that leaves me with a sunnier outlook,...

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Dogwood Winter

Dear Mother Nature, I am writing to humbly request the end to “Winter 2014.”   You’d toyed with us a bit, giving us a few gorgeous days of 80 degrees and sun and then – WHAM – a hefty dose of “dogwood winter” this week.  I kno...

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Compact Fluorescent Lights

I don’t know about you, but I’m really getting into this spring cleaning and greening challenge.   I hope you’ve made plans to join me!  I’ve made a list of ecologically responsible “to-do’s” and plan to check them all off by T...

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