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Dogwood Winter

Dear Mother Nature,
I am writing to humbly request the end to “Winter 2014.”   You’d toyed with us a bit, giving us a few gorgeous days of 80 degrees and sun and then – WHAM – a hefty dose of “dogwood winter” this week.  I know I wasn’t the only Realtor digging through my cedar chest for the warm sweaters and long pants that I’d only just packed away.  Before you get huffy, please understand that I do realize that spring in Middle Tennessee can be unpredictable.   Our farmers even coined the phrase “dogwood winter” because they knew that late frosts and freezes were commonplace and they knew not to plant until after the dogwood trees were in full bloom.

However, my lovely clients, paying heed to my many posts about taking advantage of a hot spring market have been busy organizing, purging, rearranging and generally making their homes look tip-top.  Since I’ve preached “curb appeal” at every turn, many have also pruned, raked, mowed, landscaped and yes – planted.  It would be really swell if you’d not send another cold snap to nip their azaleas, redbuds and cherry trees.
Please also allow me to use this brief missive as a “thank you” to my clients who have not been deterred by your erratic weather systems.  They’ve been the beneficiaries of homes that have gone to contract within DAYS, NOT WEEKS of being listed.  They’ve stayed the course and been rewarded with MULTIPLE OFFERS at or above their list price!  Many have taken my advice, prepped their homes quickly and efficiently and have even sold prior to actually going on the market!

My home-selling clients and I are grateful for the warm-weather forecast and we’ll continue to prepare our homes for this ideal selling season.  And when our homes fly off the market, we’d love to join you in a celebratory toast… preferably in our beautiful back yards with lush green lawns, gorgeous gardens and crisp new landscaping.  Thanks for having our backs on that!
Lisa (and her uber-smart, “spring season sellers!”)

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