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Real Estate Is Not For Sissies – Part 1

You know that “Dummies” book series… Philosophy for Dummies, Chess for Dummies? I think there’s probably a Real Estate for Dummies book out there somewhere. Which is completely frightening. Why – oh why – would you trust a generic book to guide you through what will likely be the most expensive transaction of your life? The thought of a first time home buyer or seller going out and buying that book and thinking, “Piece of cake. I’ve got this whole home selling thing under control” gives me shivers. Now, if someone wrote a book called Real Estate is Not for Sissies, then I’d buy a signed copy for each and every one of my new clients. Perhaps I should write this book in my spare time. Perhaps I will… in the form of a newsletter and blog series, of course!

Here’s the thing… I’ve lived in this world of buying and selling homes for a long, long time. Even as a little tyke, I’d accompany my father on home visits, sit in on client meetings when I got a bit older, go to open houses and listen to negotiations. It was pretty much ordained that real estate would be my profession and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love my job, getting to work with interesting people, and always experiencing something new and different. The one thing you can count on in real estate is that you’ll never be bored. But, that ebb and flow, that rapid-fire change… it comes with a price. It comes with stress and anxiety and upheaval. And that price is the main reason that I tell my family and friends, “Find a Realtor you know and trust and hire them to guide you through the process of buying and selling your homes.” They’ll help you find your moxie, channel your inner arbitrator, and give you strength when the inevitable stress of buying or selling occurs.

If you’re selling your home, the stress and turmoil can come at you from many directions. Perhaps you’ve taken a new job and need to move quickly. But first, you need to make sure your home is market ready. You need to tackle those home repairs you’ve been putting off and declutter and depersonalize your home. Maybe your Realtor® recommends repainting or making minor renovations to help you get top dollar. The stress and strain grows, but a good Realtor® will know how to prioritize those repairs and improvements. They should even have a list of reliable plumbers, painters and contractors to help you get the jobs done quickly and efficiently. Even if you have planned to list your home for some time and have tackled those “pre-sale” tasks slowly, but surely, the pressure of having a home on the market can really be tough. You’re required to keep your home immaculate and show ready at a moment’s notice. Worst of all, you open your home to complete strangers and all their judgy –McJudge-judge attitudes. After all the hard work you’ve put into getting your home in tip-top shape, these strangers come in and feel free to nitpick the slope of your backyard, the barking dog next door, the choice of tile in the powder room. This whole home selling thing? It’s not for sissies.

Perhaps you think you’re immune from those tensions and anxiety if you’re on the other side of the transaction. If you’re buying a home, you’re in the driver’s seat, right? You don’t have to worry about home maintenance or iffy inspections. But… you’re also in serious competition with other home buyers and it’s a busy, bustling market. The real estate burst is over and homes are selling quickly and for top dollar. So, if you’re buying a home, you can expect to feel the pressure and worry that comes with battling multiple offers for the home you know you have to have. You can expect bidding wars and back and forth negotiation. This whole home buying thing? It’s not for sissies.

My grandmother used to say “Life is not for sissies.” In my world, life imitates – not art – but real estate. Those same attributes of flexibility, focus, perseverance, and composure that are so crucial to a life well lived are also important as you navigate the ups and downs of buying and selling homes. But, if you have a trusted Realtor® at your side, you can be sure that he or she will lend you their expertise, support you in your quest, refocus and refine your goals and help you – the totally strong resilient home owner that you are – achieve your objective of buying or selling a home with your sanity intact. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be going into greater depth on my blog about how you remain strong, focused and successful no matter which side of the buying/selling table you’re on. I hope you’ll join me as I share my insights and advice.
Happy home buying and selling, friends! It really can be done happily… it’s just not for sissies!

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