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Fire Prevention

Every time I drive past our local fire station, I’m reminded of the work that these brave men and women do, protecting our homes and our properties, as well as providing first-responder services to accidents and emergencies that, unfortunately, happen around the clock. I always buy a ticket or twelve to the annual firefighter’s fundraising balls, concerts and circuses… it’s the least I can do to support our firefighters and I know many of you join me in these efforts. Thank you. Talk to any of these courageous public servants, though, and they’ll tell you that the best thing you can do is to take steps so they don’t have to do their job…at least, not at your house. October is Fire Prevention Month. It’s the perfect time to take stock of and update your home’s safety standards.

Even with careful inspection and attention, disasters do happen. Make a plan with your family and practice using safe escape routes from every room in your home. Practice staying low to the floor and checking hot doors with the back of your hand. Find a spot outside your home (close enough to get to easily, but far enough from the home to be safe) and designate it as your meeting spot. I hope, and our trusty firefighters hope, that you never need to use this plan, but when it comes to fire safety, a bit of practice and preparedness can make all the difference.

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