There’s a gorgeous parcel of undeveloped property in the corner of Williamson property that I’ve listed for sale. It’s just down the street from one of the sweetest animal clinics, Fairview Animal Hospital. Recently, they added a clever new quote to their marquee: “The dog days of summer can be “wuff.” Keep your pets safe.” I’ve been mulling over a blog series about our beloved four legged friends and how we can keep them safe in our homes and on our properties, especially during the hot, summer months, so this sign felt like a “sign” that I should get busy and write about this subject I’m passionate about.
If you know me at all, you know that I share my home with some of the sweetest furry babies ever. I can’t imagine my life without them and I’d do just about anything to keep them safe and healthy. My sweet peas, Sissy, Oompa, Kit-Kat and the newest member of the family Little Man, are the reason I devote my time and resources to working for animal rights. I want every animal to have the chance at the life they have and I want every friend to know the joy of bringing a pet home to love and cherish.
Before I get down to brass tacks and start writing about pet safety, (stay tuned in the coming weeks), I wanted to make sure you knew about a wonderful event to benefit Snooty Giggles Dog Rescue and Weimaraner Rescue of the South. Snooty Giggles is a brilliant organization that rescues dogs from high-kill shelters and places them first with foster families while searching for these pups’ forever homes. 100% of their operating costs come from private donations. This Saturday, they are sponsoring a cornhole tournament in lovely Leipers Fork to raise funds for the organization. The event, called “Tossin’ for Tails,” is absolutely dog and kid friendly and packed full of great food, music and fun. Best of all, it’s a nice way for us to make sure that this organization continues to do the important work of rescuing dogs and placing them in loving, secure homes.
So, while I start brainstorming pet safety tips, why don’t you make plans to join us on Saturday evening, June 20th. You can sign up for a team here and learn even more about Snooty Giggles and Tossin for Tails here. Hope to see you all on Saturday!