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VOTE! – Williamson County School Board

I’m sure you’ve all heard that there’s a little election going on in 2016. Now, my grandfather always told me to never discuss religion, politics or money if I wanted to keep friends. And I do… I want to keep you all! But, in my twenty years as a professional Realtor®, I’ve had to talk about money a lot. Fortunately, most of my clients and friends forgave me that faux pas as just being part of my job. Till now, though, I’ve never felt the need to wade into the political pool. Before you press that little exit button on the top of your screen, let me assure you! I am not about to launch into a diatribe about our national election! Hear me. There will be no hair pulling, name calling, or party-shaming in this blog post! No Don or Hill. Not here, not ever. But, I do – again in my capacity as a professional Realtor® — want to make sure that all my Williamson Country friends know about a very important election that’s coming up on August 4th. In just a few weeks, you and I will have the chance to vote for our county’s new school board.

I know what you’re thinking… Lisa, you don’t have children in the Williamson County school system. Friends, I have hundreds, if not thousands. I consider every child whose family I’ve ever helped buy a home in this county a little bit mine. I’m proud to have helped their parents find a home in our state’s top educational system. The quality of public education in Williamson County is one of the main reasons that families (and businesses!) flock here. It’s one of the main reasons our property values remain so high. If you own property in this county — even if you don’t have children — you should absolutely be interested, involved and participate in this school board election.

In the last election, only one in five Williamson County voters cast their ballots. The future of our county, how we’re going to handle the massive growth we’re seeing, how the county is going to fund our schools, how much building we’re going to see in the system… these are all real issues facing our school board over the next few years. And, if you are a parent, you need to know that strategic planning for the county and the school system is just the tip of the iceberg. There are real concerns about testing, homework limits, new student enrollment, teaching the arts in schools and much more!
Not all districts are electing or re-electing their representatives. But, if you live in district 1,3,4,5,7,9 or 11, you need to do your homework and get yourself to the polls! If you’re unsure which district you live in, click here. This interactive county map allows you to input your address and will quickly tell you which district you live (and can vote!) in. Once you’ve determined you live in an active voting district, start researching your candidates! The Williamson County Association of Realtors gave candidates questionnaires. Click here to read their responses! The Tennessean has also published candidate surveys. A little googling goes a long way in educating yourself on where your candidate stands. Lastly, most have their own Facebook pages and have been actively posting and expounding on their positions. Point is… DO YOUR HOMEWORK. AND VOTE!

Early voting is going on now at the Williamson County Administrative Complex. Election Day is Thursday, August 4th. I urge you to help keep our county – and our county’s award winning school system – the best in Tennessee by casting your ballot and making your voice heard!

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